Friday, January 25, 2008


I've been blogging everyday since the new year of 2008.. Most of the posts were nonsense or some mindless chatter.. I've got to get some fresh new ideas.. Maybe later I'll post some pictures taken a few days ago.. Pictures of my friends and no pictures from me.. Why? Because I don't like taking pictures unless I'm the one behind the camera..
Tomorrow (or maybe it's today..) at 6 p.m. I'll be working part time at a toy store.. It can be said to be a dream come true to work at a toy store as every little kids' dream is to play at a toy store as long as they want. (BWAHAHAHA!) But I'll be working and not playing.. Unless there's nothing to do and there's too much toys laying around.. Hehe.. Like they say, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Well, my name's not Jack and I won't be working the whole day.. Haha..

Yeah. I'll be blogging when I feel like it again.. Maybe it'll be updated everyday or just every week.. Whenever I feel like it..

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