Sunday, March 8, 2009

misery business...

i don't think that this first week of march is my week. first, my phone has problems, and the next day, i fell and chipped my teeth and one of my tooth is not in it's right place. i cannot eat properly because of that. i have two cuts on my under lip, a scar on my chin, and my gum hurts like hell. only yesterday i started eating some food while bearing the pain as i didn't eat anything two days before. and i felt like collapsing whenever i walk. wanting to go to the dental clinic on monday and hopes that it'll be open as it's a public holiday. couldn't afford going to a private clinic as i don't have the money just to fix a few teeth.

just my unlucky week!

1 comment:

Elisha said...

Gosh... That must be awfully hurt. How did you fell down?