Saturday, August 9, 2008

Seeking light in the darkness...

The whole state of Sarawak was in total darkness around 6.45 p.m. and around 8 something. That's right, it happened twice. And the funny thing is it didn't directly go *poof* dark, no no no, it was like turning the light switch one at a time and then total darkness... Don't know what went wrong but it sure is a relieve when things go back to normal, the electricity, the televisions, the computers and the internet.. Hahaha.. All I care about is going online or playing games..

Somehow, in the darkness I felt like wishing I was Batman for some reason.. Hahaha.. Maybe its the darkness, or maybe it's just me being me..


jewL said...

too much dark knight...

speul said...


why so serious?

Anonymous said...

eeechaakk. speul dah sot.. mesti demam nya critical sampei ketok. ok chow...

..........alu chooOOWWW...