Friday, March 7, 2008


I am really in need of a new pair of futsal shoes as my current pair has worn out.. Had those pair for 2 years now.. Really need to change them but still hasn't got any money yet. Maybe by the new semester I'll have enough. I like my current pair and I'll feel awkward wearing new shoes as the current pair was the one which made me loving to play futsal and made me train to be better.. Well, we all have to make changes right?

Talking about changes, the elections are around the corner. Well, since I'm not yet eligible to vote, I do not have to carry the BIG responsibility to chose the right person to rule the government and make the country err.. I mean Kuching, a better place.. I think.. I never really cared about elections because in the end, BN will win.. Well, maybe after next year I need to think carefully who should get my vote. Because one vote could change it all!

Yeah! Exercise your right to chose who you should vote for! Yeah! Like I really care (at the moment)! Yeah!

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