Monday, March 31, 2008

Fools Day?

Why must it be on the first of April? Why can't it be on the new year? Well, these questions may never be asked because some will probably think of a mischievous plan for tomorrow! Hahaha.. I was never really into these kinds of jokes because we can do some stupid stuff every day or maybe just do it spontaneously without waiting for a date which only come once a year.

Well, whatever it is that I said, just watch your back tomorrow as April 1st is the day where most people try to get their 'dirty' jobs done on an unexpected victim.

Happy (?) April Fools Day! (?)

Today a friend of mine got furious about someone who was trying to take control of a certain show and change the songs that were chosen and wanted to play the songs which doesn't really apply to the show. And by furious, I mean, fucking mad!

Yeah, anything more? My friend?

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